Text based email client for mac
Text based email client for mac

text based email client for mac

* Ability to specify alternate addresses for recognition of mail forwarded from other accounts, with ability to set the From: headers on replies/etc. * Easily include attachments when composing, even from the command line * Postpone message composition indefinitely for later recall * Delivery Status Notification (DSN) support

text based email client for mac

* Searches using regular expressions, including an internal pattern matching language * Change configuration automatically based on recipients, current folder, etc. * Highly customizable, including keybindings and macros * Support for multiple mailbox formats (mbox, MMDF, MH, maildir)

#Text based email client for mac full

* Full control of message headers when composing * Various features to support mailing lists, including list-reply * MIME support (including RFC2047 support for encoded headers) It also includes MIME support, notably full PGP/GPG and S/MIME integration. Mutt supports most mail formats (notably both mbox and Maildir) and protocols (POP3, IMAP, etc). Mutt is a small but very powerful text based program for reading electronic mail under unix operating systems, including support color terminals, MIME, and a threaded sorting mode. saving a selected set of messages at once. * Internet news support via either NNTP or IMAP * Access to remote message folders and archives via the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) * Folder management commands for creating, deleting, listing, or renaming message folders. MIME allows sending/receiving non-text objects, such as binary files, spreadsheets, graphics, and sound

text based email client for mac

* Message attachments via the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) specification. * Address book for saving long complex addresses and personal distribution lists under a nickname The message composer also assists entering and formatting addresses and provides direct access to the address book * Message composer with easy-to-use editor and spelling checker. * Commands to view and process messages: Forward, Reply, Save, Export, Print, Delete, capture address, and search * Message index showing a message summary which includes the status, sender, size, date and subject of messages * Online help specific to each screen and context Pico is a very simple and easy-to-use text editor offering paragraph justification, cut/paste, and a spelling checker. Pine's message composition editor, Pico, is also available as a separate standalone program. Pine uses Internet message protocols (e.g.

Text based email client for mac